
Within the next few minutes, you could be on Day 1 of 14, or 7% done with this program. Your body can change rapidly, and you will be able to surprise yourself -- but it all starts with you. read more ..
Unfortunately, if you sit for most of your day, your body shortens your hip flexors and tries to build bone -- effectively, you're signaling to your body that you don't need to elongate these ... read more ..
Nutrient density is remarkably more important than caloric intake. Take a moment to think about this thoroughly -- your body requires energy to survive, and certain foods are made up ... read more ..

The good news is that training the 'right' muscles is actually quite simple, and they can be trained in 5-15 minutes per day. Instead of exhausting yourself by fitting...



"Kareem has the magic touch. His attention to detail and fun spirit really helped turn my workout regimen around. I’ve seen great results in my strength and flexibility while nurturing a shoulder injury." - Lee Bockus
"I am getting very close to my second year with you. Wow! That was a life changing experience for me. And I mean that, in the most positive way. I learned so much from you. I feel absolutely great." - Liv Levesque
"I am a golf teaching professional in Sydney Australia and I have been using your program for myself. I love exercise and getting the best possible results out of my body. I also love the increase strength in my abs and back especially, however my whole body is benefiting." - Tiffany
"Your program rocks, very high-tech cutting edge exercise; and you are a fitness genius!!!" - Brad Backus

Foods that are high in fat and easily digested, when paired with a relatively high-protein diet, are my newest and best discovery in fat loss. I love to eat foods that...