Are You 'Truly' Ready To Succeed?

Within the next few minutes, you could be on Day 1 of 14, or 7% done with this program. Your body can change rapidly, and you will be able to surprise yourself -- but it all starts with you. In the article below, I'll go over the specific strategies it'll take you to completely overcome any previous fat loss blockade you've had and achieve your lean body goals, once and for all.

Here’s What You Need To Know:

Your posture affects fat loss more than you think. Fix posture and you’ll properly align your joints to give your muscles more strength. With more strength, you’ll get more from every repetition of every exercise you do
Sugar is evil, and that’s the main concern with eating too many carbohydrates -- all of them get broken down into sugar, which gets deposited as fat. Fat is NOT the problem, it’s sugar. Balance out your sugar intake relative to your macronutrients (proteins and fats) and your body will respond differently to everything you eat.
A lot will have to change to create the ‘Metabolic Reset’ you need. Without resetting your metabolism, your hormones will be out of balance, and you’ll hold onto fat -- your body holds onto fat to protect you,, and it prioritizes its system one-at-a-time from highest to lowest priority. Hormonal balancing is a higher priority than fat loss, so it’s nearly impossible to lose fat until you get hormones under control.
Inflammation is the real fat loss killer -- in fact, if you ask me, inflammation is the real killer, period. I believe it’s the main cause of heart disease, poor recovery from stroke, cancer, and diabetes. Kill inflammation and ‘heal’ your body into losing weight.

Open your mind to these points alone -- not buying something. This is a chance to 'recover' and turn around your health. Whether you realize it or not, you are empowered to get results when you want them, any time you want. Read more on how to :

The good news is that training the 'right' muscles is actually quite simple, and they can be trained in 5-15 minutes per day. Instead of exhausting yourself by fitting...



"Kareem has the magic touch. His attention to detail and fun spirit really helped turn my workout regimen around. I’ve seen great results in my strength and flexibility while nurturing a shoulder injury." - Lee Bockus
"I am getting very close to my second year with you. Wow! That was a life changing experience for me. And I mean that, in the most positive way. I learned so much from you. I feel absolutely great." - Liv Levesque
"I am a golf teaching professional in Sydney Australia and I have been using your program for myself. I love exercise and getting the best possible results out of my body. I also love the increase strength in my abs and back especially, however my whole body is benefiting." - Tiffany
"Your program rocks, very high-tech cutting edge exercise; and you are a fitness genius!!!" - Brad Backus

Foods that are high in fat and easily digested, when paired with a relatively high-protein diet, are my newest and best discovery in fat loss. I love to eat foods that...