Most People Exercise The WRONG Muscles,
The WRONG Way, & For Entirely Too Long.
Less is More - Quality Over Quantity.

Unfortunately, if you sit for most of your day, your body shortens your hip flexors and tries to build bone -- effectively, you're signaling to your body that you don't need to elongate these muscles to function, so it tries to help you out by shortening them. Lock down your hip flexors and you're out of luck -- stuck using your quads to do all the work. You'll start to feel squats and lunges in your quads instead of your glutes -- consider this a signal that you're losing the majority of benefit from your exercise program.

The same is true for your abs -- if you feel your 'six pack muscle' tighten and get sore when you're working out, you're feeling the wrong muscle. When you work your abs, you should feel your lower abs, low back muscles, and 'twist muscles' get sore -- not your rectus abdominus, or 'six pack muscle.'

You've probably heard about exercising your 'core,' right? Well that's not the whole story -- your 'true' core is only important because the nature of these muscles is different than the rest -- there are 5 muscles, all of which have the ability to work all day long, instead of turning on/off and fatiguing out when used for too long.

Getting your core to 'turn back on' isn't about doing exercises that specifically target core muscles -- in fact, it's quite the opposite -- instead, by fatiguing out your surrounding muscles, you give your body no choice but to turn your core back on. This is the major fault of all core-based training, and without your core, you're sacrificing the metabolic effect of walking down the street, up the stairs, or getting up from bed. Activities of Daily Living (ADL's) lose meaning when your body starts recruiting the wrong muscles.

The 14 Day Fat Loss Plan Trains The Right Muscles &
Teaches You How To Practically Disintegrate Bodyfat
Through Eating Foods You LOVE To Eat.

The good news is that training the 'right' muscles is actually quite simple, and they can be trained in 5-15 minutes per day. Instead of exhausting yourself by fitting exercise into your schedule when you're busy and overloaded, there's an easy and fast fix -- and it feels better when you're done -- you'll find that you breathe better, have more energy, and recover faster.

It's important to enunciate that this is NOT the 'quick fix' advice you've been given before. In one bout of 14 days, you'll be stoked with your results, but it's not over. Properly transitioning to maintenance mode, and knowing when you can begin your 'sprint fat loss phase' is just as important as any result you'll ever achieve. Plus, you're going to have to use self-control and avoid the foods I tell you to avoid.

Your body needs to reset its metabolism or it's going to have a hard time losing weight; resetting your metabolism happens through a very specific and tested protocol that forces you to concentrate on your new body throughout every second of the next 14 days -- you cannot lose focus, but only have to commit to 14 days at a time.

Remember, I am a Doctor of Physical Therapy -- I've sworn, on oath, to do no harm. In this promise, I committed to tell you the truth about fat loss -- I committed to push you, rock you, and encourage you to expect more from yourself. Do not let yourself down, or I'll be let down as well -- but I won't leave your side until you succeed. The distance between us, over the internet, is no excuse for failure -- I refuse to let you get lazy with your health.

I'm tired of seeing unqualified trainers and nutritionists guess their methods will work... while you damage your body repeatedly and make it that much harder to succeed the next time around. The era for fitness fads, lies, and extreme diets that make no sense is coming to a close -- right now.

This IS For You If You're A Man or Woman,
Young or Old,Beginner or Experienced --
So Long As You're Human, I'm In.

Step 1:
Correct Your Nutrition, But Only For 14 Days.

I won't ask any longer of you -- and there's one rule to remember -- the 717 Rule. The 717 rule serves to simplify all of the garbage nutrition information you've learned and give you a single focal point for maximal benefit. You'll be able to eat anything you want, so long as you follow this one, simple rule.

Step 2:
Train Postural Muscles To Turn Your Core Back On and Spike Your Metabolism.

Fatigue out the 'wrong' muscles within five minutes and you'll turn on larger and more capable muscles for the rest of your day. Align your joints and you'll recruit more of every muscle, thereby increasing your strength with any exercise you do, both now and in the future. By targeting more muscle with less effort, you'll automatically see faster results.

Step 3:
Believe - Connect Your Body and Mind.

It's been repeatedly proven that about 88% of the time if a patient and Physical Therapist do not both fully agree you'll heal, you won't. I've done my part in creating a fail-safe program, but now it's your turn. I'll teach you how to overcome negative belief systems with short, concise thought exercises that reverse the momentum of your health. Then, I'll teach you where to feel every exercise, so you can envision a muscle contraction before it happens, ultimately leading to 30% more strength. Your mind has the ability to create a physical effect -- an effect that supercharges your fitness outcomes.

Independent of your genetic potential, there is potential, and this is about maximizing your ability as an individual to lose fat, rapidly.

The good news is that training the 'right' muscles is actually quite simple, and they can be trained in 5-15 minutes per day. Instead of exhausting yourself by fitting...



"Kareem has the magic touch. His attention to detail and fun spirit really helped turn my workout regimen around. I’ve seen great results in my strength and flexibility while nurturing a shoulder injury." - Lee Bockus
"I am getting very close to my second year with you. Wow! That was a life changing experience for me. And I mean that, in the most positive way. I learned so much from you. I feel absolutely great." - Liv Levesque
"I am a golf teaching professional in Sydney Australia and I have been using your program for myself. I love exercise and getting the best possible results out of my body. I also love the increase strength in my abs and back especially, however my whole body is benefiting." - Tiffany
"Your program rocks, very high-tech cutting edge exercise; and you are a fitness genius!!!" - Brad Backus

Foods that are high in fat and easily digested, when paired with a relatively high-protein diet, are my newest and best discovery in fat loss. I love to eat foods that...