930 Town Ctr Drive, Suite, G-75, Langhorne, PA, 19047 USA (855) DRKAREEM | support[at]DrKareem[dot]com
14 Days To A Flatter Stomach Without Long-Term Dieting
We will go over the specific strategies it'll take you to completely overcome any previous fat loss blockade you've had and achieve your lean body goals, once and for all.

Your body won't look 'right' by simply losing weight

-- It's important that you re-shape your body through proper fat loss methods. In recent months, science has proven that losing weight at a rate of 1-2 pounds a week doesn't work without an inevitable plateau effect. If 1-2 pounds per week were an effective way to lose weight, you would have disintegrated within about a year... it's untrue.

The best way to lose weight, or even better -- lose bodyfat -- is by aggressively pursuing a rapid fat loss protocol. The goal shouldn't be to slowly lose weight; instead, consider using 'sprint' periods for weight loss and fat loss goals. Follow these with 'maintenance' periods and you'll witness a remarkable result. On the other hand, lose weight slowly and your metabolism will stabilize along the way, ultimately leading towards a slower effect over time.

As a Doctor of Physical Therapy & Kinesiologist, I learned quickly that not 'everything' we learn in school is current and up-to-date. The foundation is great, but keeping an eye on what's 'actually working' is even more important -- that's where clinical experience comes into play. I've taken 2 approaches to ensure the information you're about to read is both based upon scientific fact, as well as clinical real-life outcomes:

I've studied at the world-leading universities to become an expert in the human body, as it relates to movement.

I've developed a network of other health professionals, personal trainers, and nutritionists that have helped me build a following of over 110,000 people to date -- in fact, this article will be read by up to 12 million people as a result of this network -- because the best health professionals in the industry believe in my ability to help you lose weight and get the body you deserve.

Your body is ridiculously important to me, as is your health.

But I must warn you -- if you don't abandon disbelief and just give this a try, you'll never get there. Sure, you can find scientific resources that will disagree with me, and that's fine. Science does an amazing job of exploring all sides of an argument, and then several years later, we come to a more formal conclusion. I'm letting you know I've read all of the contradicting studies, and I've tested the methods with real-life clients -- so, the ball is in your court. With a bit of trust, you may reach your goals sooner... besides, I'm about to lay it all out for you, in full detail.

These 3 Steps Will Shock Your Body Into Losing Fat By Eliminating Toxic Foods, Re-gaining 'Muscle Control,' & Telling Your Body That You're Ready For Change.

If you really want to lose weight and/or bodyfat, it's time you try something a bit more 'logical,' where all of your bases are covered and no stone is left unturned. Diet or exercise? Both! (obviously... and boy is it deceptive that anyone tries to convince you otherwise -- don't fall for it!)

Step 1

Stop thinking about 'fat content' or 'calories'.

You've been misled. 'Nutrient density' is far more important than 'caloric intake' -- choosing the right foods results in greater energy for your workouts, less cravings, and a clearer mind. As for 'fat content,' we should be much more concerned with non-fatty foods that end up deposited as fat because of consuming too much. You see, your body will deposit any food as fat if you eat the wrong ratio. As backwards as it seems, your body won't deposit 'fat' as fat, so long as you pair it with the right foods. On the other hand, there are certain foods you're eating right now that get broken into sugars, which ultimately lead towards greater fat deposits and more weight gain.

Step 2

Exercise less, not more -- quality over quantity.

You've been taught to watch the calorimeters on machines while you do cardio, but they aren't even close to accurate. In fact, they have no idea how many calories you're burning. What's more important is your body's response after exercise. By strategically targeting muscles that improve your posture, that allow better oxygenation to your muscles in the days following a tough workout, and that hit your 'fatigue point' sooner, you'll have a massive advantage with fat loss. As with most things in life, it's quality over quantity -- it's all about figuring out which muscles have been keeping you from losing fat and then training those muscles.

Step 3


-- your body has no idea what you're trying to do.

Signaling fat loss is as important as your method. Your body tries to stabilize, as a means of survival. You hit your body with intensity, and it fires back with fatigue and hormonal destabilization; however, let your body know why you're being intense, and it will help you lose fat. Additionally, it's important that you think about each muscle you're about to use, before you use it -- or your body will be missing up to 30% of every muscle contraction. There are 2 areas of your brain that deal with movement -- exercise, alone, will only activate one of these sections, which means that every repetition of every exercise you do is 30% less effective than it should be. Ultimately, you're not just slowing fat loss, you're ruining it -- that is, of course, unless you learn how to self-communicate your mind's intentions with your body.

WARNING: The 14 day fat loss plan I'm about to share with you is not for everyone.

With respect:

  • If you're not willing to do a bit of work, remain disciplined for a short period of time, or believe that you can actually hit your goals, you're lost already.
  • If you think your health is different than everyone else's, or that a Doctor of Physical Therapy can't figure out how to adapt a program to your individual needs, then you're not even giving yourself a chance to succeed.
  • I rock my clients, but I rock them into shape, safely. If you want to be my client, it's best you prepare yourself. Fair enough?

The 14 Day Fat Loss Plan is going to test you -- with A TON of effort in the next 14 days, you'll see a demonstrable result. However, it's not easy coasting, and it WILL require a lot of self-control, but only for a limited-time.

Are You 'Truly' Ready To Succeed?

Within the next few minutes, you could be on Day 1 of 14, or 7% done with this program. Your body can change rapidly, and you will be able to surprise yourself -- but it all starts with you. Below, I'll go over the specific strategies it'll take you to completely overcome any previous fat loss blockade you've had and achieve your lean body goals, once and for all.

14 Days From Now You'll Question
Whether or Not Fat Loss Was Ever That Hard
-- What Was Once Impossible Will Be Remembered as
While You Wonder Why Your Body Has Changed
This Much in 2 Weeks After Years of No Results Whatsoever.
We'll Do This Together.
Here's what you need to know:
Your posture affects fat loss more than you think.
Fix posture and you'll properly align your joints to give your muscles more strength. With more strength, you'll get more from every repetition of every exercise you do.
Sugar is evil, and that's the main concern with eating too many carbohydrates.
All of them get broken down into sugar, which gets deposited as fat. Fat is NOT a problem, it's sugar. Balance out your sugar intake, relative to your other macronutrients (proteins and fats) and your body will respond differently to everything you eat.
A lot will have to change to create the 'Metabolic Reset' you need.
Without resetting your metabolism, your hormones will be out of balance, and you'll hold onto fat -- your body holds onto fat to protect you, and it prioritizes its systems one-at-a-time from highest to lowest priority. Hormonal balancing is a higher priority than fat loss, so it's nearly impossible to lose fat until you get hormones under control.
Inflammation is the real fat loss killer.
In fact, if you ask me, inflammation is the real killer, period. I believe it's the main cause of heart disease, poor recovery from stroke, cancer, and diabetes. Kill inflammation and 'heal' your body into losing weight.

Open your mind to this alone -- not buying something. What I'm offering you is not an e-book or a 'program' -- it's a chance to 'recover' and turn around your health. You will be empowered to get results when you want them, any time you want. This process is repeatable, and it's extremely effective.

Most People Exercise The WRONG Muscles, The WRONG Way, & For Entirely Too Long. Less is More -- Quality Over Quantity.

Unfortunately, if you sit for most of your day, your body shortens your hip flexors and tries to build bone -- effectively, you're signaling to your body that you don't need to elongate these muscles to function, so it tries to help you out by shortening them. Lock down your hip flexors and you're out of luck -- stuck using your quads to do all the work. You'll start to feel squats and lunges in your quads instead of your glutes -- consider this a signal that you're losing the majority of benefit from your exercise program.

The same is true for your abs -- if you feel your 'six pack muscle' tighten and get sore when you're working out, you're feeling the wrong muscle. When you work your abs, you should feel your lower abs, low back muscles, and 'twist muscles' get sore -- not your rectus abdominus, or 'six pack muscle.'

You've probably heard about exercising your 'core,' right? Well that's not the whole story -- your 'true' core is only important because the nature of these muscles is different than the rest -- there are 5 muscles, all of which have the ability to work all day long, instead of turning on/off and fatiguing out when used for too long.

Getting your core to 'turn back on' isn't about doing exercises that specifically target core muscles -- in fact, it's quite the opposite -- instead, by fatiguing out your surrounding muscles, you give your body no choice but to turn your core back on. This is the major fault of all core-based training, and without your core, you're sacrificing the metabolic effect of walking down the street, up the stairs, or getting up from bed. Activities of Daily Living (ADL's) lose meaning when your body starts recruiting the wrong muscles.

The 14 Day Fat Loss Plan Trains The Right Muscles & Teaches You How To Practically Disintegrate Bodyfat Through Eating Foods You LOVE To Eat.

The good news is that training the 'right' muscles is actually quite simple, and they can be trained in 5-15 minutes per day. Instead of exhausting yourself by fitting exercise into your schedule when you're busy and overloaded, there's an easy and fast fix -- and it feels better when you're done -- you'll find that you breathe better, have more energy, and recover faster.

It's important to annunciate that this is NOT the 'quick fix' advice you've been given before. In one bout of 14 days, you'll be stoked with your results, but it's not over. Properly transitioning to maintenance mode, and knowing when you can begin your 'sprint fat loss phase' is just as important as any result you'll ever achieve. Plus, you're going to have to use self-control and avoid the foods I tell you to avoid. Your body needs to reset its metabolism or it's going to have a hard time losing weight; resetting your metabolism happens through a very specific and tested protocol that forces you to concentrate on your new body throughout every second of the next 14 days -- you cannot lose focus, but only have to commit to 14 days at a time.

Remember, I am a Doctor of Physical Therapy -- I've sworn, on oath, to do no harm. In this promise, I committed to tell you the truth about fat loss -- I committed to push you, rock you, and encourage you to expect more from yourself. Do not let yourself down, or I'll be let down as well -- but I won't leave your side until you succeed. The distance between us, over the internet, is no excuse for failure -- I refuse to let you get lazy with your health.

I'm tired of seeing unqualified trainers and nutritionists guess their methods will work... while you damage your body repeatedly and make it that much harder to succeed the next time around. The era for fitness fads, lies, and extreme diets that make no sense is coming to a close -- right now.

This IS For You If You're A Man or Woman, Young or Old, Beginner or Experienced -- So Long As You're Human, I'm In.

Step 1: Correct Your Nutrition, But Only For 14 Days.

I won't ask any longer of you -- and there's one rule to remember -- the 717 Rule. The 717 rule serves to simplify all of the garbage nutrition information you've learned and give you a single focal point for maximal benefit. You'll be able to eat anything you want, so long as you follow this one, simple rule.

Step 2: Train Postural Muscles To Turn Your Core Back On and Spike Your Metabolism.

Fatigue out the 'wrong' muscles within five minutes and you'll turn on larger and more capable muscles for the rest of your day. Align your joints and you'll recruit more of every muscle, thereby increasing your strength with any exercise you do, both now and in the future. By targeting more muscle with less effort, you'll automatically see faster results.

Step 3: Believe -- Connect Your Body and Mind.

It's been repeatedly proven that about 88% of the time if a patient and Physical Therapist do not both fully agree you'll heal, you won't. I've done my part in creating a fail-safe program, but now it's your turn. I'll teach you how to overcome negative belief systems with short, concise thought exercises that reverse the momentum of your health. Then, I'll teach you where to feel every exercise, so you can envision a muscle contraction before it happens, ultimately leading to 30% more strength. Your mind has the ability to create a physical effect -- an effect that supercharges your fitness outcomes.

Independent of your genetic potential, there is potential, and this is about maximizing your ability as an individual to lose fat, rapidly.

5-15 Minutes Per Day, 14 Days At A Time,
and Just $1 Per Day -- That's It.

For the next 14 days, give up your cup of coffee -- you'll save both calories and money. 14 Day Fat Loss Plan is meant to cost you less than your daily dose of caffeine, yet provide you with 10x more energy from day 15 onward. This message is authentic -- you cannot find this information anywhere else, and you will not be able to figure this out on your own -- tested over hundreds of thousands of people, researched to the fullest capacity, and discussed with leading health professionals, you can count on the 14 Day Fat Loss Plan. And, most importantly, you can count on me.

It's truly not your fault you feel stuck and possibly even hopeless -- I felt the same way. But ONE day can change everything -- it's all about knowledge, and then the 'impossible' appears to be something you didn't fully understand before. Ignorance and impossibility are interchangeable, in most cases.

Learn what works, see it before your own eyes, and risk practically no time in the process. Use the 14 Day Fat Loss Plan to prove to yourself, once and for all, that there is hope. I've made this as easy as possible for you -- you won't have to read through 100 pages of boring details that are supposed to 'prove' a method works, only leaving you hopeless and confused when it doesn't. Instead, I'll greet you with a chart -- and on this chart will be everything you need, in a single piece of paper.

Ease of implementation will be the first reason you've never seen anything like 14 Day Fat Loss Plan. Second will be the fact that all the stuff that doesn't work will not be included. You'll see -- in 14 days, when your body is unrecognizable, then I'll be happy to discuss all of the science with you. I'll help you fill in any gaps you're missing, and fully empower you to take charge of your own health -- as my single priority, I'll deliver results, plain and simple.

Optimize your fat loss potential,
and remain in charge of your own health.

This is the most powerful 14 day fat loss plan I've ever created - and it's just $1 per day.

This is about immediate results and simplicity to get started. In the 14 Day Fat Loss Plan, I'm going to show you, in the easiest way possible, how to start losing fat at insane speeds, immediately. I'll tell you what to focus on, how to get more from less exercise, and exactly what to do for 14 days straight.

I created this program to help you lose at least 7-10 pounds in 2 weeks, while balancing your body at the same time.

Yes, incredible. How will your body look when you shave off 7 to 10 unsightly pounds and boost your energy at the same time? How will people respond when they see you 14 days from now?

If you see even half the results of my other clients, you won't be sorry. Go ahead and click add to cart below:

Click here to see Dr. Kareem F. Samhouri's credentials
University of Miami

University of Miami

Dr. Kareem graduated from the University of Miami with a Doctorate in Physical Therapy in 2007. He has been a licensed Physical Therapist in the state of Pennsylvania since.

Penn State University

Penn State University

Dr. Kareem graduated from the Pennsylvania State University with a bachelor of science degree in Kinesiology in 2003. He has been a practicing Kinesiologist and Personal Trainer ever since.

National Strength & Conditioning Association

National Strength & Conditioning Association

Dr. Kareem was certified by the NSCA as a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), which is considered the Gold Standard in personal training certifications for working with athletes and more advanced clients.

American College of Sports Medicine

American College of Sports Medicine

Dr. Kareem was certified by the ACSM as a certified Health & Fitness Specialist, which is considered the overall Gold Standard certification in personal training. In addition to certifying Dr. Kareem to train all types of individuals, this certification requires knowledge and implementation of training programs for all age groups, and certain disease populations, like people who have Diabetes or Heart Disease.

Just $14, once. (that's only $1 per day for 14 days.)
(no shipping needed -- delivered immediately to your inbox)

I told you I'm not holding anything back, and I refuse to let you fail.

This Is Not Just Me -- It's My Entire Network,
and What They've Taught Me.

I don't deserve full credit for this system -- years of tests and trials, client feedback by the millions, and a formal education from 2 of the best universities in the world led me to the simple and easy-to-follow conclusions you'll see in the 14 Day Fat Loss Plan. In fact, you'll see this information change over time, with updated versions, as I learn and progress even further. If I discover a faster 14 day plan that will help you reach your goals, pride will not be in the way -- you'll hear about it right away, and I'll never ask you to invest another penny.

The Way I See It, You Either
Continue To Struggle or Abandon Disbelief.

I'd tell you to think about this some more, and do what makes you feel comfortable, but results don't come from comfort. Results that count come from stepping outside of your comfort zone and trusting someone who's willing to trust you back.

CAUTION: You're Going To Have To Try.

Don't waste my time and I won't waste yours -- I respect you. You can't just invest in this program and do nothing -- it won't work without you fully committing. You'll have to bear down, prepare yourself, and decide fat loss begins now. Next week or month is too late -- do not procrastinate. Do this now.

This Sounds Simple, But It's Quite Complex
-- A Tested System For Success.

The approximate investment in my education was $250,000. Then, I started a Physical Therapy & Personal Training facility (one of the first of its kind in the world) for another $400,000. Third, I traveled the world and attended every conference I could to learn from the 'clinical experts' in fitness, nutrition, rehabilitation, and medicine -- another $350,000. That's $1 million and 14 years of effort, at full speed. Most people who know me recognize me for being intense and "getting things done" -- in the last 14 years, I've worked as much as most do in 42 years. This system came from sweat, tears, relationships, and a massive financial investment.

$1 Per Day & You Get Everything You Need To
Lose Weight Immediately.

It's easy to justify charging thousands of dollars for this shortcut to fat loss and your new body, but I've changed the way I do business -- I now provide in-person Physical Therapy and Personal Training completely for free, but on a strictly limited basis (there was only so high I could raise my rates before I realized that some of the people who needed me most would never have an opportunity.) I've found I can reach many more people through the internet, synthesize only the information that matters, and provide a step-by-step process for success. I've hired trainers and therapists, certified them personally with a Master-level certification process that costs over $10,000 for each certification. Our workforce continues to produce the 'in-person income,' and I've made it my life goal to reach as many people as possible with this information, because it counts, and because you count.

As such, I've figured out a way to monetize my efforts without having to charge the $280/hour I used to -- and this benefits you. The 14 Day Fat Loss Plan is my first attempt at "ripping myself off" in the fitness market -- so far, my experience has been that the more generous I am in helping my clients improve their health, the more they become raving fans. I'm making you a deal here, in hopes that you'll help me spread the word; improve your health, and then help others improve theirs -- deal?

If you see even half the results of my other clients, you won't be sorry -- Go ahead and click 'add to cart' below:

Click here to see Dr. Kareem F. Samhouri's credentials
University of Miami

University of Miami

Dr. Kareem graduated from the University of Miami with a Doctorate in Physical Therapy in 2007. He has been a licensed Physical Therapist in the state of Pennsylvania since.

Penn State University

Penn State University

Dr. Kareem graduated from the Pennsylvania State University with a bachelor of science degree in Kinesiology in 2003. He has been a practicing Kinesiologist and Personal Trainer ever since.

National Strength & Conditioning Association

National Strength & Conditioning Association

Dr. Kareem was certified by the NSCA as a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), which is considered the Gold Standard in personal training certifications for working with athletes and more advanced clients.

American College of Sports Medicine

American College of Sports Medicine

Dr. Kareem was certified by the ACSM as a certified Health & Fitness Specialist, which is considered the overall Gold Standard certification in personal training. In addition to certifying Dr. Kareem to train all types of individuals, this certification requires knowledge and implementation of training programs for all age groups, and certain disease populations, like people who have Diabetes or Heart Disease.

Just $14, once. (that's only $1 per day for 14 days.)
(no shipping needed -- delivered immediately to your inbox)

But, to add some incentive, and to be fair to the fact that I've never tried anything quite like this in fitness before, I'm going to make you act now -- here's how I plan to do that:

# of Copies Sold:Price:
First few copies...just $14 (only $1 per day) *Limited-time only
Next 1000...$39.95
After that...$47

So, basically, this will still be less expensive than pretty much any program you can get your hands on, and it will be much more effective -- but without the bull. Now, it's just a question of how much you want to spend while I prove that rapid fat loss is achievable for you.

If You Doubt or Don't Believe Me, I'll One-Up You Again With
60 Days of Risk-Free Investment:

60 Day Money Back Guarantee

C'mon now -- no risk? That's right -- zero. For the next 60 days, even though it only takes 14 to see a ridiculous result, I'll guarantee your money. That's more than enough time to go through this program twice, mess it up the first time, and still see a result. What more do you want?

I give you my honor, my word, and my enthusiasm to succeed. As I said before, I believe in you, so I'm taking away every excuse you might have. It's time for change, and I won't let you off the hook -- the real question is: Are you ready for me?

That's how absurdly committed I am to your fat loss and health success. You will not lose this time -- I won't allow it.

And, to ensure you have no choice in this matter, I'm adding the following amazing bonuses to your order today:

Bonus #1: 5 Minutes To Look Younger
Follow-Along Anti-Aging DVD
By ordering today, you qualify for a free copy of one of our excellent anti-aging workout DVDs to help fight the aging process, look & feel 5-10 years younger, melt stomach fat, and ease joint pain... all in just 5-minutes a day!
Bonus #2: Double Edged Fat Loss
Follow-Along Workout DVD
When you order today, you'll also qualify for the Top 10 Fat-Burning Exercises for 2024, shipped directly to your door, and in follow-along format, so you can workout with-me to lose fat at record speed from the comfort of your living room.
Bonus #3: Full Throttle Fat Loss
6 Week Fat Loss Accelerator -- Beginner to Pro
You're about to gain lifetime access to 32 doctor-designed, neuro fat loss workouts. With your nervous system at the root of the programming, you're going to experience faster fat loss than you've ever seen or heard of before. By enhancing the electricity to your muscle, you're turning more muscle 'on' and getting more from every exercise that you do.
Bonus #4: Workouts & Meals Pairing Guide
Learn What and When to Eat to Maximize Your Results
Pair your diet with the proper exercise, on a meal by meal basis, and you'll see your body change much more quickly. It's nice to eat "what you're supposed to" when you're on a nutrition program or diet, but sometimes we "mess up." When this happens, it's best you know how to react, and what to do next. In the Strategic Exercise Report, I teach you how to overcome dietary mistakes, improve your selection of exercises relevant to your day, and break through fat loss plateaus as they happen along the way. Out of any report I've ever written, this is everyone's favorite, so it's yours, FREE, when you order today.
Bonus #5: Create My Workout
30 Days FREE
Create My Workout was designed to automate your entire workout process and offer you the absolute best exercise program design available anywhere in the world. This technology is now being used by personal trainers in elite-performance and top-level membership gyms with their clients, which allows trainers to hone in on their clients and focus on form, intensity, and results. By showing you're serious and ordering today, you're going to get 30 days of access to this incredible workout tool, absolutely FREE.
Bonus #6: Strategic Exercise Report
(How To Pair Nutrition with Exercise For Faster Fat Loss)
Pair your diet with the proper exercise, on a meal by meal basis, and you'll see your body change much more quickly. It's nice to eat "what you're supposed to" when you're on a nutrition program or diet, but sometimes we "mess up." When this happens, it's best you know how to react, and what to do next. In the Strategic Exercise Report, I teach you how to overcome dietary mistakes, improve your selection of exercises relevant to your day, and break through fat loss plateaus as they happen along the way. Out of any report I've ever written, this is everyone's favorite, so it's yours, FREE, when you order today.
Bonus #7: 8% Bodyfat in 23 Days
(Exclusive Coaching Call for Our VIP Network)
It's hard to get me in person these days, because I'm always writing and spreading the word. The patients and clients I tend to see fly to my condo in San Francisco, and I work with them for 2-4 days straight (8-10 hour days.) The time of having me coach you through my exact methods has reached an end, but I still have a record of a call I recorded for my VIP network -- people who have committed to work with me on an ongoing basis through my top membership program. It's not available for sale anywhere else, and I'll throw it in with today's investment, which I'll remind you is peanuts compared to anything else in the marketplace.
Bonus #8: 1000+ Exercise Video Database
Find the Exact Exercise That You're Looking for With One Click
let's face it, when you exercise and do the same routines over and over again, it gets boring. That's why we've filmed over 1,000 unique exercises, divided them by body part, goal, and level of difficulty, and created a massive exercise video database. Normally, this sells for $197, on its own, but when you order 14 Day Fat Loss Plan today, you'll gain access to it, absolutely FREE.
Bonus #9: Back Injury Guide
Put An End to Back Pain -- Permanently
This bestselling e-book has helped thousands upon thousands of people resolve back pain, get the proper advice from their physicians, physical therapists, and chiropractors, and get back to "normal life." Since it's such an important resource for you if you ever have back pain, or if you know anyone that does, we're going to throw this in today for you, absolutely FREE.
Bonus #10: Golf Rehab Guide
Fix Your Game and End Your Pain at the Same Time!
Just in case you're an avid golfer, I'm throwing this one in with your oder today, as well. A lot of golfers suffer from shoulder and low back injuries, and it affects their golf game. Well, golf is the game I share with my father, so it's near and dear to my heart, and I want to be sure you're taken care of in every possible way. When you order today, you'll get Golf Rehab Guide, as well.
Bonus #11: Arthritis Reversed
Arthritis is NOT "Normal Aging" -- FREE Book
Arthritis can be crippling, and even when it's not that bad, ruin your mood. The reality is most people have more arthritis than they need to, and something can be done about it. When you order today, you'll qualify to get this bestselling book shipped directly to your home.

What Are You Going To Do? Don't Be Silly & Lazy --
You'll Regret It.

This starts and ends with you. It's your call -- and it's important you make the right one. I'm not a particularly pushy person, but I know how to get what I want, and I want you -- healthy. My name, Kareem, means generous, so I'm not messing around and making a bad name for myself. I won't scam you, and I stand for the highest quality information available on the internet. If you ever have trouble getting a hold of our client care team, you can call the number above. It's really easy -- we'll get back to you, no matter what, and we'll do it quickly.

All of your excuses are now gone -- so if you weren't that serious when you started reading this page, you're in trouble now. I've convinced you, and I know I have.

14 Days From Now, You'll Be Certain That
Fat Loss Is Achievable, Rapidly!

So make the right move, and 'man up' -- time for fat loss -- besides, if you get anywhere near half the results of my other clients, you won't be sorry. Click add to cart below:

Click here to see Dr. Kareem F. Samhouri's credentials
University of Miami

University of Miami

Dr. Kareem graduated from the University of Miami with a Doctorate in Physical Therapy in 2007. He has been a licensed Physical Therapist in the state of Pennsylvania since.

Penn State University

Penn State University

Dr. Kareem graduated from the Pennsylvania State University with a bachelor of science degree in Kinesiology in 2003. He has been a practicing Kinesiologist and Personal Trainer ever since.

National Strength & Conditioning Association

National Strength & Conditioning Association

Dr. Kareem was certified by the NSCA as a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), which is considered the Gold Standard in personal training certifications for working with athletes and more advanced clients.

American College of Sports Medicine

American College of Sports Medicine

Dr. Kareem was certified by the ACSM as a certified Health & Fitness Specialist, which is considered the overall Gold Standard certification in personal training. In addition to certifying Dr. Kareem to train all types of individuals, this certification requires knowledge and implementation of training programs for all age groups, and certain disease populations, like people who have Diabetes or Heart Disease.

Just $14, once. (that's only $1 per day for 14 days.)
(no shipping needed -- delivered immediately to your inbox)

I'm certain you'll succeed. Are you?

Relentlessly insisting you improve your health,

P.S. You're making a mistake reading the "PS" -- click add to cart. The price will go up, and you'll end up paying more for the same result. This is the best deal I've ever offered, and it's your call now.

P.P.S. The two bonuses I decided to throw in seem kind of unfair to my VIP clients, but that's not the way my clients actually think -- we are 'abundant,' meaning that we want more health, everywhere. Consider this a 'health cult' but without any further requirement outside of losing fat and spreading the word. You'll see how you feel, and you won't be able to help telling everyone in your circle. I love this plan, and I love you for joining our cause. Thank you.

Make Sure You Click Add-to-Cart Below --
Your Health Depends Upon It

So make the right move, and 'man up' -- time for fat loss -- besides, if you get anywhere near half the results of my other clients, you won't be sorry. Click add to cart below:

Click here to see Dr. Kareem F. Samhouri's credentials
University of Miami

University of Miami

Dr. Kareem graduated from the University of Miami with a Doctorate in Physical Therapy in 2007. He has been a licensed Physical Therapist in the state of Pennsylvania since.

Penn State University

Penn State University

Dr. Kareem graduated from the Pennsylvania State University with a bachelor of science degree in Kinesiology in 2003. He has been a practicing Kinesiologist and Personal Trainer ever since.

National Strength & Conditioning Association

National Strength & Conditioning Association

Dr. Kareem was certified by the NSCA as a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), which is considered the Gold Standard in personal training certifications for working with athletes and more advanced clients.

American College of Sports Medicine

American College of Sports Medicine

Dr. Kareem was certified by the ACSM as a certified Health & Fitness Specialist, which is considered the overall Gold Standard certification in personal training. In addition to certifying Dr. Kareem to train all types of individuals, this certification requires knowledge and implementation of training programs for all age groups, and certain disease populations, like people who have Diabetes or Heart Disease.

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