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The Ideal Cheat Day
by Dr. Kareem F. Samhouri

It’s widely accepted that when you reduce carb and fat intake over a period of 3-4 days, your body enters into starvation mode and prevents you from losing more fat. This is why most diets fail, even when it seems they are working for the first few weeks. Cheat days are known to increase levels of fat-burning hormones like leptin and adiponectin, which signal to your body it’s time to lose fat again.

I rely on my network of health professionals to understand where to focus on nutrition, as its an evolving field. Then, I introduce their ideas to a group of over 190,000 loyal fans, and I monitor support. I learn what works, and I see what doesn’t work.

You see, you might be “cheating” all wrong, and causing inflammation in your body that lasts for 2-3 days after every cheat meal. This could ruin your health (and body.)

I recommend you follow these three steps to design
your ‘ideal’ cheat day, and improve over time:

Step 1: Write down all your favorite foods.

Make sure to keep this list close to your kitchen, so you’ll have it when you’re craving cheat foods, but you’re not sure what to eat. You’ll be able to use this list to tempt you.

Step 2: Eliminate.

Eliminate foods that have trans fats or irritate your bowels -- due to inflammation -- within a 24 hour period of time. If you notice straining while going to the bathroom, this counts. If you notice the consistency of your feces changing substantially and no longer in ‘log’ formation, your digestive tract is disturbed, and this is simultaneously hurting fat loss.

Step 3: Observe.

You may notice you have a minor inflammatory reaction to certain foods, although it may not qualify as a ‘food allergy,’ per say. Examples of this may include puffy eyes, cheeks, or missing definition around bony prominences (i.e. love handles) the day after eating a particular food.

Most people focus on ‘letting go’ during a cheat day, when in actuality, this is the time to be more careful; it’s the day that you’re doing the most harm. On a cheat day, there is absolutely no reason to limit your ability to eat delicious food -- and food that is bad for you on an everyday basis, for that matter -- but there’s also no reason to eat poison, ever.

Decide whether you are the kind of person who reads things and does not take action; if so, I’m not so sure we’re the best fit. If you like to research until you can prove something wrong -- and you dig deep enough -- you’ll find people who disagree. Or perhaps you believe your body is different? With respect, if you don’t think you can at least improve from where you are today, then why are you reading this?

On the next page, I’m going to challenge common thinking surrounding weight loss. I’m grateful to you, my future client, for the communication you provide me with what works, and what doesn’t. This is how we improve, and that’s how you learned of us today. Please click over to the next page and keep your mind open to achieving your ideal body faster than you ever thought possible: