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7 Day Food Plan

by Dr. Kareem F. Samhouri
Physical Therapist & Kinesiologist

The following 7 days were designed to make you lose fat rapidly.

No matter your body type, if you are currently consuming a lot of sauces, vegetables, fruits, carbs, or any other form of sugar, I have an excitingly easy and approachable way for you to lose fat in the next 7 days. I'm not a nutritionist, so this is simply my own experience and experience I've had with clients that decided to give it a try -- without fail so far, it works.

It's called the "717 Rule," and it's quickly becoming recognized as the easiest-to-understand and most rapid fat loss 7 day diet -- here are the only things you have to remember and follow for the next week:

  • No more than 7 grams of sugar per day
  • No more than 17 grams of carbohydrates per day
  • Day 7 is a Cheat Day (eat anything you want, but no trans fats or preservatives)

That's it -- super simple, and amazingly effective.

Reset your body's relationship with sugar, strategically consume sugar and other carbohydrates every 7 days, and allow your body the opportunity to repair insulin sensitivity rapidly.

The 717 Rule is meant to be combined with a very specific set of exercises, along with a 3-step plan you can read about right here:

Look 10 POUNDS Lighter within the next 14 Days -- ARTICLE